Cagliaritano, classe 1962, Roberto Casula si laurea nel 1988 in Ingegneria Mineraria presso l’Università di Cagliari. Divenuto ingegnere professionista dopo aver superato l’esame di stato, comincia il suo percorso lavorativo all’interno di Agip S.p.A., assumendo la carica di Reservoir Engineer fino al 1991. In questo periodo sviluppa importanti competenze nelle prove di produzione e acquisizione dati sui pozzi e nello studio del comportamento dinamico dei giacimenti di idrocarburi.
Nel 1992 entra a far parte della consociata Agip Angola Ltd, la cui sede è situata a Luanda, dove svolge gli incarichi di Reservoir Engineer, Petroleum Engineer e Chief Development Engineer. Rientrato in Italia nel 1997, Roberto Casula diviene Development and Production Coordinator di Eni S.p.A., mansione che lo porta ad occuparsi di attività operative e di business legate ai Paesi dell’Africa Occidentale e Centro-Asiatica.
Nel 2000 assume l’incarico di Responsabile dei Servizi Tecnici di progetto per le attività in Iran. Nel 2001 diviene Dirigente e Project Director del progetto Giant South Pars Gas fasi 4-5, progetto che lo porta a trasferirsi in Iran, a Teheran. Il suo percorso in Eni procede nel 2004 con l’assunzione della carica di Managing Director di Eni Mediterranea Idrocarburi S.p.A., consociata del gruppo, con sede a Gela, che svolge attività sul territorio di esplorazione e produzione. A metà dell’anno successivo si sposta nuovamente all’estero, a Tripoli (Libia), in qualità di Managing Director di Eni Nord Africa BV. Alla fine del 2007 viene nominato Senior Vice President della Regione Sub-Sahariana e successivamente Presidente delle 3 consociate Eni Abuja (Nigeria).
Le sue competenze sul territorio diventano sempre più ampie e si estendono ai Paesi dell’Africa e del Medioriente: a partire dal 2011, in qualità di Executive Vice President, Roberto Casula conclude con successo in questo periodo importanti negoziazioni in Libia, Angola, Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Sud Africa, Kenya e Mozambico. Da luglio 2014 è Chief Development Operations & Technology Officer di Eni S.p.A., incarico che lo porta ad assumersi la responsabilità delle attività tecniche, operative, di progetto, di ricerca e di sviluppo della società a diretto riporto dell’Amministratore Delegato.
Born in Cagliari in 1962, Roberto Casula graduated in Mining Engineering in 1988.
Passed the examination for Engineer, he started his professional career, joining Agip S.p.A (currently known as Eni S.p.a) working as Reservoir Engineer until 1991. In this period, he developed his skills in well logging and production testing.
In 1992, he worked as Petroleum Engineer and Resevoir Engineer in the subsidiary Agip Angola Ltd in Luanda. He returned to the Headquarter of San Donato in 1997, employed as Development and Production Coordinator of the operating and business activities concerning the Countries of West Africa and Middle Asia.
In 2000, Roberto Casula became Technical Services Manager regarding the activity in Iran. In 2001 he moved to Tehran (Iran) as Project Director on a giant gas production project. His professional path in Eni continued in 2004, when was appointed Managing Director of Eni Mediterranea Idrocarburi S.p.A. Located in Gela, it’s a subsidiary in charge of all the activities of exploration and production of Sicily. The following year he moved again abroad, to Tripoli, as Managing Director of Eni Nord Africa BV. At the end of 2007 he went back to Italy as Senior Vice President, responsible for all the operational and business activities for sub Saharan Africa and then he moved to Aubja (Nigeria), becoming Chairman of the three Eni’s subsidiaries of the Country.
In December 2011, he was appointed Executive Vice President of Eni’s Exploration & Production Division and his responsibilities were extended to include the entire African continent and the Middle East region, also closing important deals negotiating with the highest authorities of countries such as Kenia, South Africa, Libya, Congo, and Mozambique.
Roberto Casula has been working as Chief Development, Operations & Technology Officer at Eni S.p.A since 2004, responsible for technical-operating, research and development activities of the Company.
In 2011 his skills were extended to the African continent and the Middle East region: as Executive Vice President, Roberto Casula, closed successfully important deals in Libia, Angola, Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Sud Africa, Kenya e Mozambico. He has been working as Development Operations & Technology Officer at Eni S.p.A., responsible for technical, operating, research and development activity, reporting di